Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Peer Influence on Individuals Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Peer Influence on Individuals Behavior - Essay Example Additionally, studies have indicated that adolescents are more controlled by their peers compared to grown-ups. This increased vulnerability to peer compliance during adolescence has been expressed as an â€Å"emotional way station† that connects the gap between being expressively reliant on parents during babyhood to becoming an expressively independent grown-up (Fadell & Temkow, 2010). Influence from peers and peer choice are corresponding processes that collaborate to generate the adolescent’s social framework. Adolescents obtain friends who are comparable to them and they as well seem to get new friends who are somewhat similar to their old friends. This hemophilic selection process generates stability in the social framework. However, friends might be alike on one trait while being dissimilar on others and are never the same to the adolescent. These disparities generate opportunities for adolescents to influence the behavior of each other. In consequence of this influence, adolescents might alter their approaches or behaviors. Consequently, prospect friendship selection might reflect this change. Thus, the adolescent social framework is best considered as being dynamic where choice and influence collaborate to generate both stability and change for the adolescent (Luo, et al., 2003). Peer groups regularly institute unspecified standards for their members behavior that differentiate them from other peer groups. For instance, most high schools have groups of solemn students, musicians, insurgents, athletes, outsiders and collectively oriented or admired students. These groups form an esteemed chain of command since they have diverse statuses. The well-liked crowd, differentiated by luxurious clothing and striking physical appearance, are frequently the peer groups in the highest class. Adolescent’s confidence can be affected by how they perceive the grade of their individual peer group as compared to other groups. Grown-ups occasionally reproach

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